How to win back a habit (or not, I don’t know yet)
For a bunch of reasons — some legitimate, most not — I haven’t written on Medium in a long time.
A few times, I wrote out some of the reasons why, intending that to be my point-of-entry back into the swing of things. But the Resistance, in one of its infinite disguises, always won.
I couldn’t even muster the time and attention necessary to look up “strategies for getting back into a habit” even though I’ve written on that very topic. I wouldn’t even let myself try to remember a strategy that would work — even though it would probably take two minutes. (The Resistance is very good at what it does, way better than I will ever be at anything.)
In fact, I’m pretty sure that what I’m doing now—forcing myself to take a stupidly small step — is a strategy I’ve used and written about before. But I’m not going to spend the time to google my brain or to google Google because doing so leaves me exposed. I’m just gonna hit Publish. No links to relevant articles. No pictures. I’ll come up with a title quickly.
Just gotta hit Publish.